Reuters Building - 3 Times Square
Fresh Meadow Mechanical Corp.
Engineer: Jaros, Baum and Bolles
Construction Manager: Tishman Construction Corp.
Owner: 3 Times Square Associates, LLC
Services Provided: Complete Installation of heating and air conditioning system as per plans and specifications.
Heating System: Hybrid central heating plant includes two absorption chillers with hot water generators for perimeter finned tube radiation and numerous pressure reducing steam stations to produce low pressure steam for central air handling units, unit heaters, cabinet unit heaters, and domestic hot water heaters. The required outdoor air is supplied into each floor's mechanical room by two centralized air handling units and is preheated by an air-to-air energy recovery system.
Cooling System: Hybrid central cooling plant located on the 31st. floor, includes two 650 ton gas fired two stage absorption chillers and two 1,350 ton centrifugal electric chillers. Each office floor is served by central air handling units with chilled water coils by a primary-secondary pumping system. A water side economizer is utilized for "free" cooling.