Columbia University OPH New Chiller Plant
Fresh Meadow Mechanical Corp.
Engineer: Fresh Meadow Mechanical Corp. & AKF Engineering
Construction Manager: Fresh Meadow Mechanical Corp.
Owner: Columbia University
Services Provided: Installation of one steam driven and one Electric driven 2800 ton chiller into the existing chiller plant. There are six new cooling towers on the roof of the existing Fairchild building, two CHW Pumps, two chilled water pumps and several hundred feet of 30” diameter chilled water pipe running through the existing buildings and tunnels. A new MER concrete floor including all steel was installed in this project. A new electrical switch gear room was built to house all the 4160 volt electric switch gear, pump and chiller VFD’s and all other electrical equipment.
FMMC is the GC as well as the mechanical contractor on this project. FMEC is the electrical subcontractor. It also includes the installation of a new BMS system.